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The Upkeep Games

Princes of the Apocalypse

Princes of the Apocalypse

Immerse your players in Dungeons & Dragons' epic Elemental Evilstoryline with a memorable super-adventure.Four cults dedicated to evil elemental powers have infiltrated the North, bringing terror and destruction to the Forgotten Realms. The cults' agents are everywhere—but who are they, and what is their ultimate plan? When you don't know whom to trust, knowledge is your only weapon. Unearth the Deception.*D&D products and this page are available in English only. MSRP applies to U.S. only.Contents:Characters in the D&D tabletop roleplaying game can help prevent devastation to the lands and people of the Forgotten Realms in thePrinces of the Apocalypseadventure by Wizards of the Coast and Sasquatch Game Studio.Princes of the Apocalypseincludes an epic adventure for characters levels 1–15 as well as new elemental spells and the element-touched genasi as a new playable race.Players will have the opportunity to play the opening chapters ofPrinces of the Apocalypseat participating Wizards Play Network locations as part of the D&D Encounters in-store play program.A free download will be available in mid-March that includes more new races plus the player content available inPrinces of the Apocalypse,just in time for the start of the Elemental Evil season of the D&D Adventurers League.
Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
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