The Upkeep Games

Dragon Ball Super TCG: Unison Warrior Series Set 05: CROSS SPIRITS - Booster Box

Dragon Ball Super TCG: Unison Warrior Series Set 05: CROSS SPIRITS - Booster Box

12 Cards per Pack 24 Packs per Display A new gameplay mechanic that expands and powers up the whole UW Series enters the fray! Unison Warrior Series -Boost-! This new mechanic will broaden the use of Unison Cards and will introduce different moves that players haven’t seen before! The main theme for Set 5 is “Cross Spirits”! Based on the famous scenes from the Dragon Ball Series, sending, sharing and absorbing Ki, a new skill, “Spirit Boost” makes its debut! Experience the new battle style with your Unison Cards! Specifications: Total cards in set: 292 Rarity: Common: 60 (normal / holo version) Uncommon: 38 (normal / holo version) Rare: 30 (normal / holo version) Super Rare: 23 Special Rare: 10 Secret Rare: 3
Regular price $95.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $95.00 USD
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